'Buyback and Stake it’ idea/ SIP proposal


While such ‘out of the box’ initiative is nonetheless to be commended, rather than make early staking an even harder sell than it already is I think that much the same effect could ultimately be achieved with lower friction and significantly less complexity via the twofold approach I already outlined in response to @Martin_Adriaan’s SIP of a few days ago—to wit:-

As both a long-term Sovrynaut and also provider of sizeable liquidity to the XUSD lending pool, I can personally vouch that there currently exists no single greater deterrent nor detriment to maximising my active stake at any given opportunity than the necessity of first encumbering said stake within an expensive vesting contract—which is in this scenario quite redundant—and then being forced to eke out withdrawals over the ensuing ten months, at >$6 apiece.

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