[DRAFT] SIP-00XX Origins subprotocol update

Also definitely opposed to this.

To me there is one silver lining to this SIP. The sub-protocols are not a good idea to start with (I stand by my points in the earlier discussion and haven’t changed my mind on any of them). People were warming up to the sub-protocols through this idea of a bonding curve. So, perhaps contrary to many others here, I’m happy to see the criticisms of the bonding curve in the SIP and I think they are correct.

I think the curve has clouded people’s judgement on the entire proposal for sub-protocols, getting too hung up on the idea that demand for the new tokens would translate to demand for Sovryn through the curve. I think this was being highly overestimated and would be a relatively minor demand, certainly not near to outweighing the costs of having sub-protocols. So I’m happy to now see reservations expressed in the SIP about the bonding curves and also to see that without it, community members are immediately sceptical of having sub-protocols. I think the SIP is correct in its reservations about the bonding curve. Yes, steep learning curves (and unfamiliar tokenomics, “what is the max supply?", no it doesn’t work that way, “what is the release schedule?”, no, no it’s a curve, go study it, and so on). And yes it may be an interesting idea, but it’s indeed experimental in the consequences it would have. In Ororo’s manifesto: “Ethereum is our testnet. Let it provide the radioactive pool where mutations are many. Let us observe it as it moves fast and breaks things. We will adopt it’s best tools and learn to defend against its worst.” Implementing the bonding curves was straying the course and moving too fast (and I think, would have indeed broken things), so I’m glad to see abandoned for now.

Sovryn should let go of the entire sub-protocols idea, for Origins and Zero, and find a way to draw Mynt back in as well.

One final point. I think this unexpected change to the SIP demonstrates again that the procedures in the communication between team and community is not right, something I mention in another grumpy post and during the call. There was a long discussion and then there was a vote (whose outcome I didn’t like but a vote is a vote). Then Christmas, talk behind the scenes, and then a quite radical change of plans. As community member, you just don’t know what’s really happening. This really needs to be avoided going into the future.

I hope that some good may come out of this.