Rwallet help linking to account

Hi all,
I see that the rwallet mobile app is discontinued. I had some funds connected to that rwallet. How do I go about accessing those now? When I try to QR scan, it times out and can’t establish a connection. Any help is appreciated!

Hi Sean, any luck/resolution with this? I have the same problem right now and looking to resolve.


Send you message to and tech support can take a look.

@MattBrad @sean6860 The problem is not with Sovryn but rather rWallet itself. This wallet is no longer maintained afaict. I also cannot get it to connect. We will be removing rWallet from the Sovryn connect wallet module within the next week or two. I recommend exporting your seed phrase from this wallet into a better maintained mobile RSK wallet. Just make sure whatever wallet you migrate to supports the same derivation path as rWallet so you have easy access to any funds you have on those addresses.