SIP-0057: Add Ordinal Doge Token ($oDOGE) to Sovryn AMM Pools

the AMM should be open to everyone. The centralized control is precisely the reason why the project has not been as successful so far as it could have been.

It is not either open to everyone, or else centralized control. It can be under decentralized control through Bitocracy governance, project per project. I was suggesting that, when the community does this well, this could make listing and providing liquidity more interesting to external parties, as it is a bit of marketing, they get to be discussed, read into, and when they pass, it indicates quality. When the AMM is entirely open, it is only interesting to quality projects when Sovryn already has the trading volume, not before.

Uniswap is so successful for a reason.

The reason is far more complex than just being an open AMM. For one, Uniswap was a first mover. People seem to think that listing tokens will magically create trading volume (as if there are not a zillion CEXes/DEXes that list anything that you can throw at them but which hardly generate volume…).

This SIP will fail because the team will block it out of dictatorial spite

No, I’m a community member, not part of the team, and voting against this, and there are many others. I find the oDoge framing really misleading. Some people think that a trading telegram group where the more degen-inclined community members come together is somehow representative of the wider community. That’s pretty silly. I even saw polls being held there… This wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t cause the mistaken idea that if it’s voted down this goes against ‘the community’ or is due to the core team. It’s not, it just has less community support than some expected, that’s all.

this should not stop us from asking for more power for the community and for a truly decentralized and permissionless Sovryn project instead of the centralized project

That is a fair concern, but then that’s a discussion about the upgradeability of the contracts and about when it is time to give Bitocracy more direct un-mediated control. I wish something like SIP46 had the sort of support that this memecoin is getting (which isn’t a true memecoin; it pretends to give ownership over some ordinal, while it doesn’t, and so misleadingly pretends to give you some value, as opposed to e.g. Doge which doesn’t pretend to be or give you anything).