[DRAFT] SIP-17: Money on Chain’s $MoC Listing and Incentivization Strategy

Can you elaborate on this more? Does that mean if $1.5M of DOC liquidity is gathered from LPs, there will be additional rewards of 5% of the total value on top of the already planned $37,500, tripling ($1.5m / 20 = $75k worth of SOV/MoC) the total rewards?

To add on the topic of liquidity, 2.5 rBTC + equiv worth of MoC would be roughly equal to $250-300k of liquidity, which is awfully similar to those vaporwave projects we see launching on IDO platforms these days. Needless to say that this low amount of liqudity is deliberately designed to provide a ridiculous pump on listing and allow holders to cash out at crazy multiples of 20, 50 or 100x on day one. Is that what you’re intending to do, as well? For the record, I don’t think that’s the case, but I need to be sceptical here, especially given that you’ve suggested this low of a liquidity yourself. I have little to no respect for most of the IDO platforms artificially ‘pumping their new projects’ multiples up’ these days using embarrassingly low liquidity (and starting mc) and would hate to see Sovryn become one of them. So first step would be to increase your suggested liquidity - provided that it causes no issues to our treasury, I suggest either 4 or 5 rBTC to be added from our side, with the equivalent percentage increase of your side liquidity, as well. Btw, how will the initial ratio (i.e. price) be determined?

Also, since it wasn’t explicitly mentioned in your proposal, but probably is implied from our previous LP incentive programs, I would expect all direct LP rewards (especially those paid in SOV) to be vested over 10 months with gradual linear unlock.

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