Notwithstanding your concerns, i believe there are and will continue to be more and more parties who will show up to the other side of this price manipulation trade you mention. In an order matching system with an orderbook and maker incentives etc plus a grossly undervalued SOV token which has been subject to price manipulation attacks, surely we can expect people / we / others will show up to the countertrade?
If not, either we have no faith in free markets, which i must say is quite un-sovryn, or we have no faith in SOV token and its value, or, perhaps it is technically impossible to rely on RSK for the above free market infrastructure, either way, my 2 cents would be that the one-sided market is a clown show - lets take a position and if your thinking is really to be final, lets cut margin longs
Please facilitate further discussion by shining some light around this topic and what is technically possible - perhaps there are workarounds like SOV shorts only collateralised with SOV. Perhaps you have aspirations to enable on BitcoinOS. Perhaps there are some other conditions that if met could change your sentiment