Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) - First OHM fork on RSK

Yah PoL is a great model. I’ve suggested it here:

I’ve also discussed high level with @remedcu and @yago

I think we need Olympus Pro (the ability to sell bonds), but not necessarily Olympus (the ‘reserve currency’ aka (3,3 meme))

I know the core team is at least aware and very interested in this model. However, I don’t know if we’ve started forking or how far along it is.

The biggest thing we need to think through is economics and feedback loops. For example, if we sell discounted SOV via bonds, how does this impact SOV price? Will bonders dump the tokens after they’re fully vested and liquid thus negatively impacting Sovryn price? What about if we bond subDAO tokens, for example we offer $100 of Mynt tokens for $80 of rBTC/Mynt LP token?

On the surface PoL allows the Sovryn protocol (and potentially subDAO’s) to build up some amazing protocol owned liquidity. But is there any way that this could cause negative feedback loops if we over-use it?

I don’t know the answers but it would be amazing if the community can start brain-storming through this and thinking adversarial about different situations.

Feel free to post any questions and I’m happy to contribute my knowledge!