The new Dapp interface allows for the convenient usage of DLLR and Zero. This is possible due to a tight integration between Mynt and Zero. These changes are already deployed to testnet and can be tried out here.
More information is available in the draft SIP. The contract addresses will be published as soon as the changes are deployed to mainnet.
This is the time to discuss any doubts or questions.
SIP-0054 Zero - Mynt integration new logic contracts are deployed but 3 out of 5 contracts cannot be verified on the block explorers (tenderly, rsk explorer and blockscout) due to some technical issues.
We think that these are due to discrepancies in the ways the compiler flattens the contracts (puts all structured contracts inheritances in one big flattened contract) and how the explorers do it - there are very small differences in the resulting bytecode. The affected contracts are BorrowerOperations, TroveManager, TroveManagerRedeemOps.
While we cannot finish the verification on the explorers for now, it is always possible to verify these contracts manually by following these steps:
Run hardhat compile (or alternatively using directly the solc v0.6.11 with optimization switched on and having optimisation option set to 100) from CLI (console) which will compile all the contracts with the same settings for the compiler and optimisation that were at the time of the deployment
the packages/contracts/artifacts folder with all the compiled contracts will be generated
The contracts deployment bytecode can be found in the field “deployedBytecode” respectively: