AMA 26/03/2024 - Communication Issues

Good afternoon All,

In the AMA yesterday, a question regarding the communication of SIPs came up. As a noob, I personally am loving everything about Sovryn over the last year.

However… After mulling over the complaint and relistening to the answer Edan gave, I decided to poke the bear in the SOV-SQUAD / POWA RANGERS Telegram.

@SOV HOOLIGAN responded to the thread with this:

*"Reaction: Vote No on SIPs,

Ideas: Have AMA for every single SIP, allow PLENTY of time for EVERY SIP—at least 2–3 weeks—for people to comment, and the Sovryn team MUST ANSWER every question raised (not just selected ones) before sending any SIP into voting.

How we can help in any way: By making sure all the above are in place for transparency and better communication.

In my opinion, it can be a lot better. I am not saying that there is zero effort, but things can definitely improve. I feel the only way to actually make things better is a 30–40% NO votes on SIPs that are not fully clear and transparent. Having majority voting on 95%+ gives a signal that everything works fine out there."*

End quote.

My question to Edan and the team who deal with this is:

Is there a way to standardize the SIP process from a metadata perspective?

  • Clear definitions: Establish standardized definitions to be used across all SIPs, ensuring consistency and clarity.
  • Standardized processes: Define a clear process for when a SIP can be cleared to vote, including locked variables like ensuring the same minimum voting turnout for every SIP.
  • Transparency improvements: Ensure ample time for review (2–3 weeks minimum) and require responses to all questions raised before any SIP is sent to a vote.

I acknowledge that, as someone new to the community, my perspective may lack the nuances understood by those with a full history with Sovryn. However, I believe these suggestions could enhance transparency, inclusivity, and trust in the governance process.

Looking forward to hearing thoughts on this!

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Regarding the “quorum” variable of any SIP, it depends on the proposal changes. Some contracts are owned by “TimelockOwner”. Here is a link to the details.

Thank you for making this Topic.

I have already written on Discord about the communication issue.

Active instead of passive communication. Offer us AMAs in these tight SIPs. Persons who are making the SIP should be in the forum from day one and answer questions actively throughout the SIP Forum vetting period. Don´t wait till consipiracy theories go rampant but actively engage before this happens. Last two SIPs Yago came in on the last day/day of voting when all the discussion was already over and people had made up their mind. Listen to sentiment, provide background thoughts give us a wider picture - actively not only if pressed by bad sentiment - cause if emotions run high you gonna get red candles and they might not turn back green as peopke get fed up.


  • Active rather then passive communication
  • AMAs are great - should be announced on DAY 1 proposing the SIP and held on DAY 2.
    *. Active participation on SIP Forum post by person making the SIP from >>>>DAY 1<<<<
  • Honest communication “This is a degen move” was good to hear from Yago. Its honest and that creates trust!

Thanks. I appreciate the suggestions and conversation. I will say there can’t always be more than a short time for SIPs. When SIP times are short, I think we have always held an AMA. For longer SIPs the community calls offer an opportunity for discussion.


I think the biggest issue is with >>timing<< not what actually happened. It always >>felt<< like it was done only because community was not happy retroactively. Thats what my post was about - really be there on day one. announce that there will be an AMA on Day 2 of the SIP or first workday. That way we know there will be more information. I for one would always wait to comment until all information I can get is available.
Here is what I saw:
With the last two SIPs they where proposed on Friday → community was left alone ->Difficult SIPs community started asking question,-> no immediate answers on Friday day → community started assumptions ->no answers on Saturday → community started conspiracy theories and emotions starts to run high → still no answers on Sunday → community starts getting angry → Team starts communicating on Monday but so many questions left unanswered - the day of the vote → community still mad as hell Team announced AMA. and postpones SIP.

How it should have been done:
SIP Proposed on Monday AMA announced for Tuesday → Community asks questions on Monday get answered on Monday or referred to the AMA → AMA Tuesday morning most questions to this point answered. Follow up questions in forum answered on Tuesday and Wednesday - all other channels reffed to forum so everyone has one place to go to get answers. → Vote on Thursday.

if it has to be over the weekend don’t do AMA on the weekend but announce them for Monday. Still questions in the forum need to be answered or referred to AMA so sentiment is kept under control