Reaching out to Spanish Communities


Hello everyone I just wanted to create a quick post to share something I’ve been working on the past few days.
Sovryn is an extremely powerful set of financial tools, but it is also an operating system for coordinating human action between Sovereign individuals without the need of a state in between.

If the traditional systems continue their collapse, this capacity for us to coordinate amongst ourselves is going to be more important than ever.

Sovryn has no borders, which makes it incredibly powerful and useful, but it is difficult for those who don’t understand English to keep track with all the conversations happening and be able to add their point of view. As a native Spanish speaker who had the privilege of receiving an English education since I was very young, I think is my duty and responsibility to help bridge this gap.

My Newsletter

Which is why this week I started a newsletter, aggregating the most important conversations and transcribing them into Spanish. Also, I’ve been posting them as twitter threads,
I understand that the audience for this is really small at the moment. But, taking into account all the problems around Latin American countries, I think this will be more important as we move forward.

My goal is not to just onboard them as users, but helping them become active members of the community as well. After all, we are all Sovryn!

I have released 4 issues so far:

1 About the BTC/DLLR pool reward adjustments.
Reporte Sovryn: Noticias y Discusiones #1 — Recompensas para los pools de AMM en la era DLLR | by We Are Bitcoin | Mar, 2023 | Medium

2 The potential SIP of oDoge that didn’t pass:

3 The first weekly meeting of Zero and DLLR:

And earlier today

4 Explaining Yago’s Post about the “Way of the Sovryn”

I’m just showing this so you all know that I’m working on making Sovryn more accesible to more people, and if you know anyone that this content could benefit you’ll know where to send them.

I am always looking for feedback and suggestions of how I can better serve this community and add more value to it.

So far I’ve been posting them on Medium, which is a good platform, but I am in the process of creating my own website and host everything over there. I’ll keep you posted when that is done.

Further thoughts

The process of sumuraising and writing these newsletters down is also a great incentive for myself to stay up to date with everything happening in telegram, discord and the forum. While also forcing me to become better and better at understanding and explaining Sovryn to others and organize my own thoughts.
I hope I can continue to improve and serve this wonderful community.

Thank you for your time.

Tomas signing off, stay Sovryn everyone!


Bien sabes que desde la comunidad de Sovryn Español apreciamos mucho tu iniciativa! Pienso que sirve para cualquier tipo de usuario, tanto el nuevo, como para entender donde está parado en la linea temporal de Sovryn. Como para el veterano, para recibir el periódico del lunes por la mañana.

Siempre quisimos que comunidad en español tenga ese reconocimiento y hay muchos aportes que hasta el día de hoy lo muestran. Tendrás mi apoyo! Gracias por impulsar esto!


Muchas gracias Legosi! tu apoyo en todas las iniciativas se seinte y se aprecia mucho. Ojala veamos la comunidad de habla hispana crecer con el tiempo, ya que son ellos quienes mas necesitan de las herramientas que Sovryn viene a construir y proveer.

Aca mientras tanto seguiremos armando todo para que cuando vengan puedan entender y aprovechar todo esto :slight_smile: