RSK account not on Ledger?

I just got a Ledger hardware wallet and imported my existing Liquality wallet seed phrase I’ve been using to LP and interact on Sovryn to the Ledger, however when I connect it to The Sovryn App I only see an endless list of RSK addresses with no balance in them. Has anyone else done this move from Liquality to Ledger via import/recover or seed phrase? I wanted to do it this way so I don’t end up having 2 rewards pots going, and having to pay transaction fees on them both until the first completes in 10 months. I downloaded and tried to “add account” on MyCrypto wallet also to the same effect, and saw only a list of RSK addresses with no balance. I’ll add I know I have like $60 of rBTC in there for gas as I can see it in Liquality. BTC and ETH accounts added fine after import/recovery. any advice helps, thanks

You can choise one of the adresses . And normal you 'see an amount of Rbtc