Sovryn "Marketing" Sucks. That ends now

You make good points, the products that people would find useful are not yet available, protocol earned fees have been going down for a while. Secondly the yields are also not attractive enough for most to take the risk of moving from BTC to RBTC. Until some of these polished protocols are available marketing would be empty hype.

Decentralization is defficult to quantify, most people just assume that all DEX’s are equally decentralized also as far I know, no DEX has any KYC so Sovryn is not special there.

The merge mining part should be attractive to Bitcoiners as that links Rootstock to BTC making it unique than other L1s but I think some hardcore Bitcoiners think that any activity on any other chain than the main chain is “stealing” activity away so they dont like it, at least thats what that ErrorLog guy said in the Space.

Others think that raising the issue of fee earning incentive for miners is just “concern trolling” and that the block rewards are enough for a very long time so merge mining is of no interest to them. Some might also think that if the side-chain becomes big enough, perhaps in the far future, than it might hurt main chain security. (There was a Bitcoin Magazine podacst on that topic, might be worthwhile to have some open discussion on that in a twitter space with some miners)

So Sovryn is between a rock and a hard place as it has always been, many Bitcoiners have the above mentioned issues and most regular crypto people have stopped paying attention to anything going on in Bitcoin land so dont even know that Sovryn exists. (I wrote about this once before, I believe that some crypto people would be better allies than trying to win with BTC maxis)

Thats why I was looking forward to the "repositioning " that Malva had in mind, dont know where we stand now with that strategy.

I also dont know what the marketing town hall will achieve except to let people blow off steam. I think the people who know marketing should be making a strategy not a bunch of random people pulling in all different directions (says a random guy on the internet). I know this is a DAO but some focused direction might be good.

One last point, I am not a marketing guy, but I am beginning to think if you try to “sell” based on ideology your product will remain a niche, maybe thats ok, but if you want wider adoption than user friendliness would be a better approach.


The product is the problem, not the marketing.


still around? You care that much still !?

Came to join the discussion but it only takes 3 minutes of reading to see what’s really going on.

Can’t wait till you can “fire the team” “make a new one” and tell us another 90 days or whatever.

This sucks I’ve held $75K USD Sovryn since $15 and will probably lose it all because leadership is more concerned with their own stakes than what the community wants.

We want tokenomics reform not some stupid study groups and DAO nonsense.

Fix this mess you’ve made and do right by the people who invested the capital to make this worth anything to begin with.


your ‘marketing’ will keep on failing for as long as you will keep on disregarding the community.

For you, the community is a PROP.

That’s a problem.


I think the Marketing has been fixed to a certain point, we’re about a year after this thread was started, the new site looks great, the art is cool, futuristic, and inspiring. Zero is happening, and very cool. @yago led a fantastic meeting on youtube that I checked out last week, made me hopeful for the future: and not in a short term way, in a very long term, want to move to Bitcoinlandia, need to get my life together kind of way! Bravo Team!

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A year later:
It neither “ended” nor started.

But we got a new website, that’s cool.


Wow!! We will surely get there eventually with a quality project the community can be proud of.
Keep the good work going Yago​:pray:t5::pray:t5:

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